28th Irish Conference of Medievalists: Call for Panels and Papers

The 28th ICM will take place in University College Dublin, 1st – 3rd July 2014.

The Irish Conference of Medievalists is an interdisciplinary forum which welcomes papers on all aspects of Irish and European medieval culture, including archaeology, history, art history, folklore, language and literature. We also welcome papers which explore Ireland in its wider international context. This year we encourage speakers to organise themed panels, consisting of three papers and a nominated chair.

Submission of Panels

The ICM welcomes the submission of panels. Each panel should explore a particular theme. Individual speakers will provide papers of no more than 20 minutes. The panel may nominate a chairperson. The ICM committee will provide a chair if one is not nominated. Each panel will have a 90 minute time slot.

ICM Panel Submission Form

Please note that the submission of individual papers should form part of the Panel Application.

Submission of Papers

Proposals are invited for papers of 20 minutes duration. Successful applications will be placed in general panels consisting of three speakers and a chair nominated by the ICM committee. Each general panel will have a 90 minute time slot.

ICM Paper Submission Form

Submission Deadline

The deadline for the submission of panels and papers is April 15th 2014. The committee will review all submissions and inform applicants of their decisions by the beginning of May.


Forms, as well as all queries related to the ICM, should be directed to ICM2014@ucd.ie

Details regarding registration, accomodation and other aspects of the conference will follow shortly.